
Platform Document Submission and eSignatures: Webinar

By Heather Hopkins | 01 May 2020 | 2 minute read

Financial advisers often complain about the amount of paperwork required by providers. To help advisers benchmark investment platform approaches to form submission, esignatures and digital processes, NextWealth published a report comparing 21 platforms across 85 processes.

(Click below for webinar on esignatures and platform document submission.Ā )

Platforms responded quickly to keep the wheels turning faced with the Coronavirus crisis. Many of those that still required a ‘wet’ signature, started to take scanned copies of forms. We applaud those efforts.

We hope the work we’ve done will help cement some of these digital processes for a post-Covid world and also allow advisers to nudge providers who are falling behind their peers.

You can download a copy of our report here. In the below webinar, Hannah Wemyss, Research Associate at NextWealth summarises the findings from our research, Rich Ellis, Director of Ellis Davies FP Ā shares his views as a financial planner and explains why the issue is so important and Phil Young of Zero Support, explains why advisers may want to be wary of esignatures and some of the technical hitches to adoption.

And if you care about this topic and consider it a core part of platform service, leave a review of your preferred platforms on our directory. You an post the review anonymously or named.


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