
Adviser Technology Series

Platform Shakeout: It’s not your fault, but it’s your problem

NextWealth’s 'Platform Shakeout: It’s not your fault, but it’s your problem' report forms part of our Adviser Tech Stack series. Most third-party platforms are doing most everything right. But because a few make life difficult for advice firms, this forces a decision. Rather than a decision among existing platform providers, the decision starts with considering the right model for the platform, and a growing number are planning to launch their own platform.

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    Adviser Technology Series

    Platform Shakeout: It’s not your fault, but it’s your problem

    NextWealth’s 'Platform Shakeout: It’s not your fault, but it’s your problem' report forms part of our Adviser Tech Stack series. Most third-party platforms are doing most everything right. But because a few make life difficult for advice firms, this forces a decision. Rather than a decision among existing platform providers, the decision starts with considering the right model for the platform, and a growing number are planning to launch their own platform.

    Discovery Series

    Platforms Unpacked

    NextWealth has published a Platforms Unpacked guide. It is supported by Aegon, Embark Group, P1 Platform and Third Financial. The report sets out to offer a practical guide to cut through the noise, critically examine the underlying assumptions, and share valuable experiences and lessons from fellow practitioners.

    MPS Proposition Comparison Series

    MPS Proposition Comparison Report 2024

    This report, updated twice-yearly, forms part of NextWealth’s research and insight on the investment propositions of financial advisers. It details quarterly and annual asset growth, compares costs and fees and propositions. This year we explore key themes such as market positioning, sources of growth, portfolios for drawdown, tailored models and unitised MPS.

    Discovery Series

    Getting onboard with offboarding

    NextWealth has published a guide called ‘Getting onboard with offboarding: A positive approach to client servicing and offboarding’. It is supported by HUB Financial Solutions (part of Just Group) and Vanguard and sets out to offer a practical guide to advice firms exploring how to get the best value from client relationships.

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